Mania Karma
by Undef.de
World database for track karma votes
The plugin Mania Karma is a replacement of the already known plugin RASP/Karma, which allows any player to vote for a track. Those votes were saved in the local database until now.
This plugin saves those votes - like Dedimania-records - to a central server.
The rating system has been upgraded and doesn't only provide the chance to rate a track with "/++" or "/--", but all in all there are now six rating alternatives:
/+++, /++, /+, /-, /--, /---
The plugin includes a widget for these votes.Chat commands
- /karma - shows karma-values of current track
- /karma help - shows help for the plugin
- /karma about - shows the current version of the plugin
- /karma lottery - shows the current won amount of coppers (only for TMU players)
- /karma details - shows karma-standings for current map only
Only for MasterAdmins:
- /karma reload - reloading of mania_karma.xml and reconnection with the central database
- /karma export - export of recent Track-Votes to mania-karma.com
- /karma uptodate - check if there is a new version of the karma pluginInstallation
1. unzip the script to xaseco2 base directory
2. see the included Install(EN/DE).txt files for detailed installation instructions.
3. edit xaseco2's plugins.xml and include the following line:Code:<plugin>plugin.mania_karma.php</plugin>4. in plugins.xml find the following line and comment it out or delete it:Code:<plugin>plugin.rasp_karma.php</plugin>5. restart xaseco2Settings
Configure the widget and other parameters in mania_karma.xml. See the Options(EN/DE).txt files for detailed descriptions.Notes
- This Plugin works only with XASECO2/1.03 or higher!Change notes
See the included CHANGELOG.txt file for the extensive change log.
Forum: https://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=28875
Homepage: https://www.undef.name/XAseco2/Mania-Karma.php
File Version Date Size Downloads mania_karma2(2.0.1).zip 2.0.1 2016-07-20 50.69 KB 1166 mania_karma2(2.0.0).zip 2.0.0 2014-12-14 50.65 KB 1218