Fufi Widgets

by maniatwister




Display multiple graphical widgets on your server
This is a direct port of Fufi's Widgets for XAseco2 (Canyon).

There are the Local Records widget, a Live Rankings widget, a Dedimania widget, a Karma widget, a Challenge widget, a Clock widget and an Advertisement widget.


1. unzip the script to xaseco2 base directory
2. edit xaseco2's plugins.xml and include the following line:
3. restart xaseco2


See homepage for customizing.

Changes in v2.05

- Added support for undef's Third-Party Plugins UpToDate
- Added Mania Exchange Button in Challenge Widget

Changes in v2.04beta

- Fixed Live Rankings Bug in Rounds Mode.

Changes in v2.03beta

- Fixed Widgets Positions in score screen.
- Edited Style to match default Xaseco Panelbg.

Changes in v2.02beta

- The style was edited in order that it doesn't look to much like fox control.
- Implemented an automatic update check when a MasterAdmin joins (Disabled by default, set <checkupdate> to true in fufi_widgets_config.xml)


Forum: https://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=28763
Homepage: https://web.archive.org/web/20170107072711/http://fish.stabb.de/index.php5?page=3&subpage=133


File Version Date Size Downloads
fufi_widgets(2.05).zip 2.05 2011-10-16 136.2 KB 2702
fufi_widgets(2.04).zip 2.04beta 2011-09-21 117.92 KB 1439
fufi_widgets(2.03).zip 2.03beta 2011-09-16 117.92 KB 1474
fufi_widgets(2.02).zip 2.02beta 2011-09-06 31.47 KB 1320