Nickname sync
by Undef.de
Synchronize the nicknames from global records
This plugin synchronize the nicknames from global records with your database. So the nicknames in your widgets will be equal.
Supported global databases:
- Dedimania
- GerymaniaInstallation
1. unzip the script to xaseco2 base directory
2. edit xaseco2's plugins.xml and include the following line:Code:<plugin>plugin.nickname_sync.php</plugin>3. restart xaseco2Notes
- This Plugin works only with XAseco2/1.01+
- This Plugin works only with Trackmania2 (ManiaPlanet)
- This release requires min. 0.9.6 of the plugin.gerymania.php, if Gerymania is enabledChanges in v1.2.1
- Changed all Gamemode Ids to the new Gameinfo constants from XAseco2/1.00
- Log the source of the global Database when Nicknames are synced from
- Added listening for the events 'onGerymaniaRecordsLoaded' and 'onDediRecsLoaded'Changes in v1.2.0
- First public release of the TM2 port
Forum: https://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=29108
Homepage: https://www.undef.name/XAseco2/Nickname-Sync.php
File Version Date Size Downloads nickname_sync2(1.2.1).zip 1.2.1 2012-10-21 15.86 KB 1347 nickname_sync2(1.2.0).zip 1.2.0 2011-12-04 16.45 KB 1471