
by Mikey




Sorts out the spectator traffic jam
This plugin is a spectator waiting management system (aka AutoQueue). Spectators wanting to join play are placed an an orderly waiting list and placed into play in turn when a playing position becomes available. When worst kick is higher than zero, the worst results only from the players present at the start of the map will be kicked / forced spec.

- Optional to Worst Kick for last placed finishers, or not.
- Optional to Worst Kick method, Kick from server, Force to spec or Force to spec and add to waiting list.
- Optional to Kick Admin or force admin to spec instead of kick, if kick is enabled
- Only kick/force players present at the start of the map
- Basic Idle kick function


1. unzip the script to xaseco2 base directory
2. edit xaseco2's plugins.xml and include the following line:
3. restart xaseco2


Edit the plugin.specjam.php file directly to set the configuration options.

Changes in v0.75

- new internal routine for forcing to spec or play
- added automatic kick for any bugged players not successfully being forced to spec

Changes in v0.70

- fixed Idle Kick Disabled bug
- added referee detection for idle kick
- other minor refinements

Changes in v0.69

- more bug fixes
- additional spec commands for admins
- now displays endscreen widget for players in waiting list

Changes in v0.67

- fixed some bugs
- added a /spec command
- other minor changes

Changes in v0.65

- fixed important bug related to timing/sequence
- fixed ladder points check
- added separate button to leave the waiting list
- other minor fixes

Changes in v0.60

- added Clicking leaves queue
- fixed worst kick on map skip
- other small tweaks
- minor cosmetic changes

Changes in v0.50

- added a basic idle kick
- added a minimum ladderscore check before joining the waiting list
- other small tweaks


Forum: https://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=29267


File Version Date Size Downloads
specjam(0.75).zip 0.75 2012-12-25 7.43 KB 1385
specjam(0.70).zip 0.70 2012-05-08 6.66 KB 1332
specjam(0.69).zip 0.69 2012-04-26 6.23 KB 1253
specjam(0.67).zip 0.67 2012-04-12 5.87 KB 1314
specjam(0.65).zip 0.65 2012-03-07 5.25 KB 1391
specjam(0.60).zip 0.60 2012-01-29 5.34 KB 1568
specjam(0.50).zip 0.50 2012-01-18 5.04 KB 1255
specjam(0.41).zip 0.41beta 2012-01-16 4.87 KB 1291