by maniatwister
Port of ManiaLive Freezone plugin
This is a direct port of the Freezone plugin for ManiaLive.
This plugin supports Undef.de's Third-Party Plugins UpToDate.Installation
1. unzip the script to xaseco base directory
2. edit xaseco's plugins.xml and include the following line:Code:<plugin>plugin.freezone.php</plugin>3. restart xasecoSettings
Configure the webservices password and the rest of the plugin in freezone.xmlNote
The Plugin won't work in combination with Fufi's Autoqueue.Changes in v1.4
- Fixed some manialink issues.
- Fixed pos_y in config.xml (. instead of ,)
- Fixed another notification bug.Changes in v1.3
- Fixed a bug which cause XAseco to crash after some time.Changes in v1.2
- The button is hidden from united players now.
- When a player gets muted/unmuted all players gets notified. (optional)
- The button can be moved on score.Changes in v1.1
- Forgot the checks for updated versions.
File Version Date Size Downloads freezone(1.4).zip 1.4 2012-07-11 9.74 KB 3183 freezone(1.3).zip 1.3 2012-07-08 9.97 KB 1572 freezone(1.2).zip 1.2 2012-07-03 9.6 KB 1448 freezone(1.1).zip 1.1 2012-07-01 9.15 KB 1505