
by Phenom




Race graphic viewer
View performances on a TimeAttack track. It displays standard information such as personnal record, world record, average time, average time per each checkpoint etc.
But above all it allows to graphically view the portions of the circuit on which the player can gain some valuable milliseconds. In bottles, it offers the possibility to compare the running time with a player registered in the database of the application, or even one of the top 10 players Dedimania.


1. unzip the script to xaseco[2] base directory
2. edit xaseco[2]'s plugins.xml and include the following line:
3. restart xaseco[2]


You need the XMLRPC extension activated on your Apache server to make the plugin work properly.

Changes in 2.1

- Fixed bug when the Lerya standalone application try to know whether the plugin is enabled or not

Changes in 2.0

- Update user agent in POST request

Changes in 1.0 stable

- Fixed link to website


Forum: https://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?t=27197
Homepage: https://web.archive.org/web/20180327205532/http://www.lerya.org/


File Version Date Size Downloads
lerya2(2.1).zip 2.1 2014-08-06 5.02 KB 1091
lerya2(2.0).zip 2.0 2014-07-31 4.85 KB 1277
lerya2(1.0stable).zip 1.0stable 2014-06-09 4.91 KB 1063
lerya2(1.0beta).zip 1.0beta 2014-05-31 4.66 KB 1127