Nouse Message

by Nouseforname




Display an in-game manialink with message text
Everything is configureable via the config file, all values in config are initial values. Everything like text, interval, position, size and style can be changed on the fly via admin chat commands.

Chat Commands

The chatcommand is made of 3 parts.
/[initial] [param] [value]

Command list:
/msgmod... for the initial command, has to be in front.
....text "text" for the static and initial text
....text(1,2,3) "text" for the 3 different random texts
....interval "seconds" for the random interval, 0 for random off.
....mpos "x y" for the main position (n.nn, n = numbers)
....msize "x y" for the window size of window (n.nn, n = numbers)
....tsize "n" (1 - 10) "Mania Style" for the window style
....substyle "Mania substyle" for the substyle

If no param given, a little help text will be displayed.
All new values given by chat commands are saved in config file as new initial values.
Click on it to hide, it's also combined with the Widgets display/hide commands.


1. unzip the script to xaseco base directory
2. edit xaseco's plugins.xml and include the following line:
3. restart xaseco


Change the info texts in config file nouse_message_config.xml. You can find also options for timing and manialink position there.

Changes in v2.0.1

- add support for Third-Party Plugins UpToDate

Changes in v2.0

- new functions
- "infinite" additional messages
- random mode
- ordered mode
- enable/disable toggle (show/hide with F7)
- new chat commands




File Version Date Size Downloads
nouse_message(2.0.1).zip 2.0.1 2012-05-12 4.79 KB 1568
nouse_message(2.0).zip 2.0 2010-06-16 4.57 KB 1465
nouse_message(1.0).zip 1.0 2009-11-02 4.18 KB 1439