Server Neighborhood
by Undef.de
Link all of your servers to each other
This Plugin shows all of your servers in the game. Such like "zero-switch" or "sak.switch". Based opon the idea and behavior of "sak.switch". It's easy to setup too.Installation
1. unzip the script to xaseco base directory
2. edit xaseco's plugins.xml and include the following line:Code:<plugin>plugin.server_neighborhood.php</plugin>3. setup the serverneighborhood.xml to your needs on all servers
4. restart xaseco on all serversSettings
In serverneighborhood.xml you can configure the widget and other parameters, and set following section to list your servers:Quote:<storing_path>/tmp/serverneighbors/</storing_path> <server_accounts> <server_neighbor> <login>LOGIN_OF_NEIGHBOR_1</login> <path>PATH_TO_SERVERINFO_FROM_NEIGHBOR</path> <force_spectator>false</force_spectator> </server_neighbor> [...2...3...] </server_accounts>See the included PDF document for examples.Notes
- This Plugin works only with XAseco/1.16+
- This Plugin works only with Trackmania Forever (TMF)Change notes
See the included CHANGELOG.txt file for the extensive change log.
Forum: https://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=23407
Homepage: https://www.undef.name/XAseco1/Server-Neighborhood.php
File Version Date Size Downloads server_neighborhood(1.4.8).zip 1.4.8 2016-07-20 282.54 KB 1212 server_neighborhood(1.4.7).zip 1.4.7 2013-10-09 282.52 KB 1405 server_neighborhood(1.4.6).zip 1.4.6 2012-11-11 284.16 KB 1511 server_neighborhood(1.4.5).zip 1.4.5 2011-11-06 283.98 KB 1582 server_neighborhood(1.4.4).zip 1.4.4 2011-01-12 280.89 KB 1674 server_neighborhood(1.4.3).zip 1.4.3 2011-01-02 277.81 KB 1366 server_neighborhood(1.4.2).zip 1.4.2 2010-10-24 277.81 KB 1385 server_neighborhood(0.9.9).zip 0.9.9 2010-01-11 18.45 KB 1433