Google Translate
by Reaby
Translate chat text via Google
Translation can be done with the plugin via chat commands or auto-translation, but also with the standalone server script. Installation instructions are a bit complicated, so check google_translate/readme.txt for details.Chat commands
/translate text|lang - Translate text to language
/autotranslate lang - Turn autotranslate on
/autotranslate off - Turn autotranslate off
/logtranslate lang - Popup a chatlog for translating
Admins (any level) only:
/translate on - Turn global translate on
/translate off - Turn global translate off
/translate login|on - Turn player translate on
/translate login|off - Turn player translate on
/autotranslate login|lang - Turn autotranslate on for player
/autotranslate login|off - Turn autotranslate off for player
lang is 2 letter version of country, or target language name in lowercase. If language is not found or you forgot to enter the target, it will be translated into English.Installation of v1.21
1. unzip the script to xaseco base directory
2. follow the instructions in google_translate/readme.txt
If not using the standalone version:
3. edit xaseco's plugins.xml and include the following line:Code:<plugin>plugin.99.gtrans.php</plugin>4. restart xasecoChanges in v1.3
- Fixed autotranslate issue with fast, added global support for translating service.
- Added french readme, some fixes to translate.batChanges in v1.21
- Fast patch for autotranslate for normal players + xaseco chatlog is showed at newest messages first.Changes in v1.2
- Lots of fixes and a proper fix of html_entities, added logtranslate for xaseco, added enable/disable commands for translateChanges in v1.1
- Fix for html_entities in text
File Version Date Size Downloads google_translate(1.3).zip 1.3 2010-12-23 125.86 KB 1936 google_translate(1.21).zip 1.21 2010-12-17 107.04 KB 1808