
by Mikey & Reaby




TeamRace is a simple method to play an 8 team mode
When enabled TeamRace uses a Team Select period for the purpose of having a timed peroid for all players to select a team to join.
Then normal game mode is played by all players with the teamrace having no effect.
Then at the end screen team results are displayed instead of the normal individual results, with players listed in their teams with individual score and the Team average score which the results are based on.
Penalties are applied in Time attack of twice the winning time for zero times.
Penalties are applied in laps of treble the winning time for zero times.
Penalties are applied in laps of twice the average checkpoint time of the winning time for every incomplete checkpoint.


The command for controlling the TeamRace plugin is /teamrace followed by sub commands:
on - enables teamrace mode (admin only)
off - disables teamrace mode (admin only)
name - rename the team you are a member of (during warmup only)
lock - lock a team you are a member of to not allow anyone to join (during warmup only)
warmup - set the warmup duration for the current game mode (0,1,2)


1. unzip the script to xaseco base directory
2. edit xaseco's plugins.xml and include the following line:
3. restart xaseco


Edit teamrace.xml for configuration options;
Number of teams,
Number of players,
Warmup duration when using teamrace (when team race is enabled)
Warmup duration for normal play (when team race is disabled)
Select team timer (when not using warmup)
If Team locking is allowed
To Force a toggle of Fufi record widgets or not when teamrace is enabled
Team names

Changes in v0.56

- fixes for compatibility with relayrace

Changes in v0.55

- fast fix for competition mode

Changes in v0.54

- In-game help added
- Changes for manialink IDs (should work better with relayrace)




File Version Date Size Downloads
teamrace(0.56).zip 0.56 2011-03-10 9.58 KB 1635
teamrace(0.53).zip 0.53 2011-03-02 9.02 KB 1536
teamrace(0.51).zip 0.51 2011-02-24 9.55 KB 1707