Alternate Scoretable
Alternate scoreboard with more player information
This plugin is an alternative Scoretable, it looks nicer and shows more information of each player:
- Player Position
- Player Avatar
- Player Nickname
- The current best time/score for this Track
- The personal best time/score for this Track
- Total-Score at this Server and this Session
- Amount how often this Track was finished or other related counts/scores (depends on GameMode)
- The current Ladder-Rank
- The current Ladder-Score
- The Online-Time since connect to this Server
Gamemodes: Rounds, Team, TimeAttack, Stunts, Laps and Cup are supported.
The Layout of the Scoretable in Team-Mode is just a little bit different as the other one.Chat commands
MasterAdmin can switch the visibility of the Alternate-Scoretable at layer-Finish with the commands:
/scoretable hideatfinish
/scoretable showatfinishInstallation
1. unzip the script to xaseco2 base directory
2. setup the alternate_scoretable.xml to your needs
3. edit xaseco2's plugins.xml and include the following line:Code:<plugin>plugin.alternate_scoretable.php</plugin>4. restart xaseco2Settings
Configure the scoreboard and other parameters in alternate_scoretable.xml.Notes
- This Plugin works only with XAseco2/1.03+
- This Plugin works only with Trackmania2 (Canyon)
- Hardcoded limit of Players in Scoretable in the Gamemodes Rounds, TimeAttack, Stunts, Laps and Cup are 300 and 40 Players in Gamemode Team (20 Players for each Team).Known bugs
- The Total Ladder-Score are display delayed for one Track, because the 'LadderScore' in the ListMethod GetCurrentRanking() from the dedicated Server are not refreshed within the Score. It takes some time the 'LadderScore' is refreshed.
- Pressing <TAB> does not show the automatic ScoreboardChanges in v0.9.4
- none
Changes in the alternate_scoretable.xml:
- Changed all <urls>'s to ManiaCDN
- noneChanges in v0.9.3
- This version require XAseco2/1.03+
- Main Window are now able to minimize and also movable (done with ManiaScript)
- Changed from own System to the new Gamestate constants Server::RACE and Server::SCORE from XAseco2/1.01
Changes in the alternate_scoretable.xml:
- Changed all <urls>*
- [PHP Notice] Undefined variable: rank_count on line 989Changes in v0.9.2
- This version requires XAseco2/1.01+
- Changed all Gamemode Ids to the new Gameinfo constants from XAseco2/1.00
- Now it is possible to change the number format with <features><number_format>
Changes in the alternate_scoretable.xml:
- Added <number_format>
- Game freeze after "Synchronization" from the dedicated server (thanks MSPX)
- Wrong amount of Team-PointsChanges in v0.9.1
- Resorted the columns and include an new one: "Last" won LadderPoints
- PlayerPlaces now display the Place a Player reached only in 'TimeAttack' and 'Stunts', because in the other Gamemodes the Place the Player reached are only available when the Round end. In 'Rounds', 'Laps' and 'Cup' Gamemodes it display that the Player has finished the Round (as the original also does).
- Within Warm-Up and the event onEndRound the Alternate-Scoretable is hidden in all Gamemodes
- At the event onPlayerFinish the Alternate-Scoretable is hidden in the Gamemode 'Cup'
- Now it is possible to setup the Position of the Window with <window> (thanks yamyam)
Changes in the alternate_scoretable.xml:
- Added <window>*
- Maniaplanet 2 beta updated ManiaScript
- If a Player use the chat command "/scoretable" then XAseco crash
- In Gamemode 'Team' the Alternate-Scoretable is displayed for a moment at Score
- Position of the Header and Icon "Score" in the Gamemodes 'Rounds', 'Laps' and 'Cup'
- PlayerPlaces display in 'Rounds', 'Team' and 'Cup' wrong Places (thanks TheBigG)Changes in v0.9.0
- Include a small Animation at the end of Race and when a Player finish the Map
- Include an new option for <graphic_mode>: 'minimal' which display no GFX- or Colored-Backgrounds for the Player lines
- Fixed the <TAB> issue that did not display the automatic Scoreboard
File Version Date Size Downloads alternate_scoretable2(0.9.4).zip 0.9.4 2016-07-20 91.97 KB 960 alternate_scoretable2(0.9.3).zip 0.9.3 2013-10-09 91.95 KB 1412 alternate_scoretable2(0.9.2).zip 0.9.2 2012-11-10 92 KB 1443 alternate_scoretable2(0.9.1).zip 0.9.1 2012-07-29 93.23 KB 1504 alternate_scoretable2(0.9.0).zip 0.9.0 2011-10-29 92.04 KB 1355 alternate_scoretable2(0.8.9).zip 0.8.9 2011-10-09 92.14 KB 1312