by TheM
Link MP server to IRC channel
This plugin provides you a link between the ManiaPlanet server and your IRC channel on a server.
What it does:
- output the ManiaPlanet chat into the IRC channel
- output the IRC chat into the ManiaPlanet server
- sends a message to the IRC chat when someone joins or leaves
- shows the TOP 5 at the end of the race in the IRC chatInstallation
1. unzip the script to xaseco2 base directory
2. edit xaseco2's plugins.xml and include the following line:Code:<plugin>plugin.irc.php</plugin>3. restart xaseco2Settings
Configure the plugin in irc.xml.Changes in v0.1.4
Bugfix update:
- Mapname and author weren't shown correctly when messageLength was shortChanges in v0.1.3
Bugfix/Functionality update - Critical:
- Didn't respond on pings during authentication, causing registration timeouts, fixed
- Q (QuakeNet) Authentication addedChanges in v0.1.2
Bugfix update:
- Wrong use of XML parser caused authentication to be failingChanges in v0.1.1
Functionality update:
- "Third-party Plugins UpToDate" functionality added
Forum: https://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=29383
Homepage: https://web.archive.org/web/20160403155241/http://mp.klaversma.eu/plugins/irc
File Version Date Size Downloads irc_bot(0.1.4).zip 0.1.4 2012-02-21 4.4 KB 1410 irc_bot(0.1.2).zip 0.1.2 2012-02-18 4.35 KB 1260 irc_bot(0.1.0).zip 0.1.0 2012-02-18 4.36 KB 1312